Media changes our perception towards the real world through the cultivation theory- how we develop something through heavy television viewing.
Television is one of the most powerful media in the world because they can attract all levels of society in the world. Heavy television viewers are more likely to live in their fantasy lives compared to their real lives. Everything that they saw in television will be developed into their real lives. As an evidence there is a story about a kid wearing a spider man outfit who died because he jumped down from a building. What do you guys think about it? Why did the kid jumped down from a building?! Yes, it is because of television effect. Television has become a new 'religion' to its heavy viewers. Once a while, people are holy with their religion and believe it is their priority but nowadays, television has made a big impact to its audience and they get addicted to television so much that it becomes their 'second religion'.
Television addiction is not a good thing and it will affect our lifestyle and behaviour. But, what is shown on television is related to our real life, this is called resonance.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
NewsPAPER or i-news?
In this era globalization, people changed, their vision are more foresight, they think more critically and they also use more up to date gadgets. There is a lot of gadgets that can we use to read
a news. Ipad, Iphone, Itouch, galaxy tab and many others more devices that are
provide us to read news and information around the world. We all in 2012, we can have anything we want easily. Such as if we want to know about the latest news we can just use our finger and with just one click, all the information will appear on our screen. Still, why does people choose a newspaper to read a news? Why they still want to walk or drive to shop and buy a newspaper? Today, i would like to argue why people still willing to buy a newspaper even though we have a lot of gadgets is more useful.
This is a new Ipad by Apple
This is a print newspaper by Daily News
You guys can see the different? Yeah Ipad is much more thin than the newspaper. The reason why people are more interested in reading newspaper is because newspaper is more cheaper than Ipad. Hahahaha yeah its true! The second reason is because for the older people, they are more likely to feel the paper of the newspaper. Its makes them feel the excitement when reading the newspaper. Rather than using Ipad, for them, its complicated because they feel more easier by flipping from one page to another. Before, one of my teacher has told me, online news will update two times a day than a newspaper and they give you a most recent news what is happening today, but in my point of view, who will read a news late night? Its has been decade people read a news in the morning while have a cup of tea or maybe in the middle of the road stuck in the traffic jam or maybe in their office. So it is just the same thing if we wait until the next morning and buy a newspaper because we still get the latest news.
give me the clue, i'll give you the answer! Tabooooo!!
Heyya peoples! this is my seventh post for my media appreciation class. For this post, i have to talk about my experience about last week activity in the class. You guys know what is Taboo? Its the most popular education game among teenagers and i found it very interesting! For those who already familiar or been through with this game i am very sure you guys have enjoyed this game a lot.
First of all i want you guys know that this game is an education game. As an example, millionair it teach us how to become a good investor. Same as this game, it teach us how to become a good sender or in malay its call 'penyampai'. It teach us how to send a message in a good way to a receiver understand it proper. It is just like what 'Wilbur Schramm' (father of communication) said a sender or source must use a language that the receiver would understand so the receiver will give some feedback from it. From my experience, this game teach me how to find another words to describe something to tell to others. We cannot use the words that have been given in the card so we have to think more critically to describe it and we only have 60 seconds to do it. We also have to give a easiest word to our friend to guess the answer. I have been a sender once when i play with my classmates together in the class and i found myself hard to describe a word 'G-String'!! I have plenty of ideas what i'm gonna to say about it but i don't know why my mouth can't pronounce it -.- its a stupidest mistake i ever made! i wish i have second chance :(
Besides, this game teach me how to understand more better about something. What i'm trying to say hear is as in the game, i have to guess what my friend talk about so its makes me think more harder and faster. I feel like i have to understand what the sender trying to tell me even the message is disturbed by semantic noise and give an immediate feedback. Furthermore, taboo have make my thought process improved by make me think outside the box and more faster. In my opinion, if we use to play this games many times, my thought process will become better and better.
Moreover, taboo also teach me to work together with my brain as well. As what my lecturer have said before, sometimes we know what it is about and we have idea about it but we cannot explain and sometimes we find hard to talk about it. So this game teach me how to work mouth and brain together. Hence, i have gain a lot of positive experiences from this game and i feel happy when everybody enjoys and involve in taboo.
Secret Meaning about French Film ^.^
Yeah i'm sure you guys must be asking why i'm writing about this stupid film with a ridiculous picture of this film. Just to let you know, my lecturer show us this movie and order us to think and understand about this movie. As what i can say, this movie is teaching us about what is life and showing us about ignorance. Dominique Pinon as Louison is a plumber, lover and also use to be a clown in this movie.
He from Spain and came along to France because he found a job as a maintenance man at an apartment owned by Jean-Claude Dreyfus as a clapet. Pinon use to be a clown once a while but since his friend dead, he
quit from being a clown at the circus and started finding a new job. While he was working there, he had fall in love with Karin Viard, the clapet's daughter. The clapet is a murderer and a horrible person. He wants to control everyone in the apartment. He kills anyone he doesn't like and who ever messed up with him. He use a postman to tells him what is
happening in the city and any important information. He then wanted to kill the maintenance man but then his daughter
protect that guy.
Here is the movie trailer, if you guys want to watch the full movie, click here:
In my point of view, In what our life related to this movie,
in our life we only stand alone, and many people try to attack and pulled us down. But we have to stand still and go through our life. No matter how hard we
fall, we have to stand and fight for it. Furthermore, we have to justice to everybody and respect people. We must not selfish and accept people for who they are. In other hand, love is not what we can
buy at a shop or even a store, love is what comes naturally. Love is beautiful,
some people said that love is pain and love is blind. In my opinion, love is an awesome
feeling that we have in our heart and love will become beautiful if we know
the right way to create it.
Semiotics order us to think more and more and order us to explain about the 'text'. The word 'text' is represent something to show to audiences. Semiotics is how audiences interpret what they see and understand by their own way. Different audience has different interpretations of the same text. Moreover, we must think forward and give an opinion what we can't see with our eyes.
As an example, MEDIA. What you guys think about media? What is the first thing that come to your mind about this text? Whatever that you guys interpret, that is your opinion about something. This process is what we call interpretation. Text is a media content. Next, audience is more attract to a color. A experiment was conducted, audience are more attract to a symbol with an attractive color and they will remember it easily.
Newspaper usually use a text and attractive color to make an interesting title of a news to give impact to their audience. An interesting text will attract audience attention henceforward they will buy the paper. This is one smart way the company gain audience attention and make money from it.
As an example, MEDIA. What you guys think about media? What is the first thing that come to your mind about this text? Whatever that you guys interpret, that is your opinion about something. This process is what we call interpretation. Text is a media content. Next, audience is more attract to a color. A experiment was conducted, audience are more attract to a symbol with an attractive color and they will remember it easily.
Newspaper usually use a text and attractive color to make an interesting title of a news to give impact to their audience. An interesting text will attract audience attention henceforward they will buy the paper. This is one smart way the company gain audience attention and make money from it.
Here, watch this video for more information :)
Diversion Theory
Hey guys, today i would like to talk about Mass Communication Theory in the early era. Before that let's have a quick look on this short video.
Have you guys watched it? Hahahahaha this movie give me a immediate reaction. I laugh out loud and i can't stop laughing for about five minutes!! Hmm this is what diversion about. Diversion is when we entertain ourselves to avoid boredom or maybe you want to release your emotion. Maybe you feel stress after class or love problem, you can diverse yourself to make you feel better. For me, if i'm in stress situation, i will sing a song to release my tension.
Diversion has many meanings. In stimulation view, it is to avoid boredom or seeking emotional or intellectual stimulation. In relaxation view, diversion means when people faced sensory overload, they just need to seek relief to release all their stress. Lastly, is emotions release. when we watch horror movie we will scream out loud or maybe sad movie we will cry so that we will release our emotions feeling.
Diversion make an impact to the viewers. In other hand, we can said that media can change a phenomena from sad to happy or happy to sad. Media is controlling us nowadays. As evidence, i depend to music to change my emotions. Media is so powerful, they produce something that can make us addicted to. They also can control our behavior sometimes. In addition, a lot of people addicted to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Flickr and many others social media. We can see those people who addicted to all these social media, they able sit in front of their laptop or computer more than 5 hours. They did not get bored because diverse give them a different thing everyday and media keep going on and on. This is so dangerous especially for kids. However, we cannot avoid media because media make our life better.
Have you guys watched it? Hahahahaha this movie give me a immediate reaction. I laugh out loud and i can't stop laughing for about five minutes!! Hmm this is what diversion about. Diversion is when we entertain ourselves to avoid boredom or maybe you want to release your emotion. Maybe you feel stress after class or love problem, you can diverse yourself to make you feel better. For me, if i'm in stress situation, i will sing a song to release my tension.
Diversion has many meanings. In stimulation view, it is to avoid boredom or seeking emotional or intellectual stimulation. In relaxation view, diversion means when people faced sensory overload, they just need to seek relief to release all their stress. Lastly, is emotions release. when we watch horror movie we will scream out loud or maybe sad movie we will cry so that we will release our emotions feeling.
Diversion make an impact to the viewers. In other hand, we can said that media can change a phenomena from sad to happy or happy to sad. Media is controlling us nowadays. As evidence, i depend to music to change my emotions. Media is so powerful, they produce something that can make us addicted to. They also can control our behavior sometimes. In addition, a lot of people addicted to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Flickr and many others social media. We can see those people who addicted to all these social media, they able sit in front of their laptop or computer more than 5 hours. They did not get bored because diverse give them a different thing everyday and media keep going on and on. This is so dangerous especially for kids. However, we cannot avoid media because media make our life better.
This is how diverse works, its always moves from one to another and won't stop and this is how we get connected to everyone on everything.
Genre in Media....
As we can see, genre is something that effect media in most way. Not just movies, but genre also effect in musics, books and also television show. First of all, genre is a type or we can said as a class of programs. There is some types of genres in movies such as horror, action, comedies and others. Genre is use in media is to tell what the narrator trying to convey and provide understanding to audience. It order us to pay more attention and think outside the box. Genre is something that can influence us by watching television, reading books, listen to music and others. Genre also effects a lot of things like a different costume for different movie. This process is called phenomena. As when we watching The Avengers in cinema, we will feel the attraction on this movie than we watch it at home. The actors costumes in this movies is also different than he others. Likewise the weapon and the theme of this movie.
Besides, this movie gain superior attention from audience because it is a comic book movie. It is different than others movie. It is about superheroes saving the world from being taken over by an alien.This is what people like to watch, this is a genre that attract people attention. People love something different, people want something new and this movie give their audience a new breath that there is still a movie that eligible for a praise and appreciation.
She's adorable right? haha of course because she is my girlfriend (in my dream) :p
Furthermore, in other type of media, genre is also include in songs. In my choice, i would like to choose a pop song which is ''You belong with me'' by Taylor Swift. In my research, this song has hit the Billborad Hot 100 and take a second place! Besides, this song also received an awards for song of the year and best female pop vocal performance and many others awards!! The song contains pop music elements and the lyrics is a love-interest. Taylor has a really bright future. She has a beautiful voice and still young. She could give a massive impact to the audiences. In addition, she has a pretty face and also an attractive human being, anyone who listen to her song will feel emotional because of the classy voice that she had. This is one of way the narrator convey their opinion to audiences.
Next, books is also one of the genre in media. I have read a malay book called ''Adam & Hawa''. This is a fiction book and it is about romance. However, this book is not only about love, it also contain about islamic lifestyle, working environment, and also different culture of other countries. In the same time, when we read this book, we will feel touched with the story line. Who ever was in love, i bet they will cry when reading this book, because that happen to me hahahaha!! Yeah its true, the way the narrator describe a words to convey to us will deeply effect your heart and give you immediate attention. Besides, reading a book is a good thing, it give us wonder what coming up next and so on. So we can't stop flipping from one page to another. Hence, for some individual, reading is better than watching a movie.
This movie take ranks as the third highest-grossing films of all time
Besides, this movie gain superior attention from audience because it is a comic book movie. It is different than others movie. It is about superheroes saving the world from being taken over by an alien.This is what people like to watch, this is a genre that attract people attention. People love something different, people want something new and this movie give their audience a new breath that there is still a movie that eligible for a praise and appreciation.
She's adorable right? haha of course because she is my girlfriend (in my dream) :p
Furthermore, in other type of media, genre is also include in songs. In my choice, i would like to choose a pop song which is ''You belong with me'' by Taylor Swift. In my research, this song has hit the Billborad Hot 100 and take a second place! Besides, this song also received an awards for song of the year and best female pop vocal performance and many others awards!! The song contains pop music elements and the lyrics is a love-interest. Taylor has a really bright future. She has a beautiful voice and still young. She could give a massive impact to the audiences. In addition, she has a pretty face and also an attractive human being, anyone who listen to her song will feel emotional because of the classy voice that she had. This is one of way the narrator convey their opinion to audiences.
Here is the official music video!
Next, books is also one of the genre in media. I have read a malay book called ''Adam & Hawa''. This is a fiction book and it is about romance. However, this book is not only about love, it also contain about islamic lifestyle, working environment, and also different culture of other countries. In the same time, when we read this book, we will feel touched with the story line. Who ever was in love, i bet they will cry when reading this book, because that happen to me hahahaha!! Yeah its true, the way the narrator describe a words to convey to us will deeply effect your heart and give you immediate attention. Besides, reading a book is a good thing, it give us wonder what coming up next and so on. So we can't stop flipping from one page to another. Hence, for some individual, reading is better than watching a movie.
Monday, 3 September 2012
Movie review
Hola everybody! Today I would like to share with you a favourite movie of mine.
Yeahhh its Fast Five! Just to let you know, I haven't missed a single sequel of the Fast and Furious movie. The main actors are Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto, Paul Walker as Brian O'Conner, Jordana Brewster as Mia Toretto and also Dwayne Johnson as Luke Hobbs! The movie features how Dominic and his crew breaks into the police station to steal a large sum of money from Hernan Reyes which is someone that is very influential in Spain. At the same time, Luke Hobbs, the most successful and exprienced police was on their trial trying to arrest them. Things become more interesting when Dominic and Brian start to run away and proceed with their crazy mission to break into the police station. With their contacts from all over the world they work together on the mission.
As you can see, Dominic is the most wanted man and his partner Brian O'Conner is ex-police officer and they work against the law to gain money to live a luxurious life. They started of in the first sequel by stealing cars and they found a microchip inside the car which contained information about drugs.
In this sequel, it features the duo stealing money from Hernan Reyes.
This movie were caught my eye because I love the way the racing scenes were filmed. The movie was action packed and full of suspense.The most interesting part is when they filmed the cars. They gather at a place and show off their cars. Turbos, speakers, body set, exhaust and others stuff about cars. Its supercool!! The most popular place they gather at is Rio de'Jeneiro, Brazil. For all those people who like racing, you guys should watch this movie :)
This movie were caught my eye because I love the way the racing scenes were filmed. The movie was action packed and full of suspense.The most interesting part is when they filmed the cars. They gather at a place and show off their cars. Turbos, speakers, body set, exhaust and others stuff about cars. Its supercool!! The most popular place they gather at is Rio de'Jeneiro, Brazil. For all those people who like racing, you guys should watch this movie :)
Top Racers!
This is one of my favourite part!
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