Monday, 27 August 2012

Something about Baraka

   Okay for this week, i'm going to talk about non-narrative movie in 1992 named Baraka which is directed by Ron Fricke. In my lecture class, my lecturer order us to pay attention on this movie and write something related from this movie. In my opinion, everybody in this world has their own belief in God and also their own lifestyle. As we can see when the tribes perform their dance and also their prayer.

   So what im going to tell you guys is everybody seeking peace for themselves. Time does not wait for us, we have to pursue every second in our life and do not waste every second. There is also multifarious religion in this world so we must respect all religion. Besides, human is gifted with cleverness since long ago. As we can see, nowadays, human have create millions of gadgets, furniture, house, by using the natural resources. As far as i concern, human is addicted to big buildings, or anything that can make money from that. They not anymore concern about nature. This is something that we must prevent from now to save our beautiful world. Furthermore, god give us sustenance from nature such as tree, water and also soil. To show our grateful, we have to pray and worship towards God. Every minute comes with something happen around the world and there is ecplicit and implicit about that. Everyday world are becoming increasingly advanced and people are also changing and follow a trail of new era and new method of thinking.

   I believe there is a reason why we were born on this earth and i believe everybody has their own superiority and credibility.

Here are some scene in the movie that i would like to share with you guys....



STRONG ARCHITECTURE ---->                  

Sunday, 19 August 2012

OHHHH Media....

When we talk about media, everybody knows it. Media is about entertainment, source of information and also connect us to the community and the world. In this era, media are the most powerful cultural forces on the planet. There are millions of people watching television, reading some form of media such as newspaper and listening to radio while driving. As media become a part of our culture, people lifestyle are transformed!

People is addicted to media such as facebook and twitter...

However nowadays, media is corrupted with matters that are not helpful. Like my lecturer said, the metal song, why did they can't sing properly? Yeahh thanks to media literacy to show us about this impact. We can see in the television there are some immorale programs rated as 18SG or 18 SX. Therefore we should not appreciate media that do not deserved to be. We as the listeners and viewers should consider which is better and should be appreciated.

check this out guys!